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This Week’s Parenting News

from photopin.com

from photopin.com

We love this account of Lisa’s from Mama.ie of life during the first week with a newborn. She is doing great and we thank her for taking the time to write her  journey with honesty. Don’t miss her breastfeeding posts, establishing breastfeeding and exquisite pain. All mums-to-be should read them to know what to expect!


We found out that rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub on your childs feet helps with the night-time coughing. If you are not too keen on Vicks, we found a natural remedy you can make at home.

Pilates App


Finally! An app that allows you to do Pilates from the comfort of your house and recover your pre-pregnancy shape. Review by Mindthebaby.ie



Did you miss the heated debate on Childcare costs on Prime Time last Tuesday? Not to worry. We have the twitter reaction, which is the equivalent to watching the debate, really.


This Irish mammy giving out at her teenage son for his poor Irish skills close to exam date has gone viral.


Looking for a completely different family holiday this summer? Look no more. Wine Tourism with Kids. Yes. Seriously.


Another story of postnatal depression. There are never too many of this. It happens, and its OK. Just get help


A really good list of nourishing foods for labour and and childbirth


Birth Story from mamacourage.com

I believe that under-staffing was an added issue; there was no room for me in the labour ward so I had to stay in the antenatal ward for hours, where they could not administer effective pain relief or monitor my progress closely. When I was finally transferred, there was one midwife between four women in early labour; one of these was being prepped for an emergency c-section, so that took first priority. Despite my urge to push the midwife insisted I was too early for an epidural, and it wasn’t until the changeover in staff that I was believed and brought into the birthing room. Seeing how hard these women work and their dedication to their job, I put this lack of attention down to being a low risk pregnancy in an overstretched,  under resourced environment.


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